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Facebook Access Token Dashboard

Managing Facebook Page Permissions for Talkpush Integration

Carolina Navarro avatar
Written by Carolina Navarro
Updated over a week ago

To keep your Facebook Messenger bots working without any issues, it’s important to get the connection right from the beginning. Facebook regularly checks and updates permissions for services like Talkpush to keep things secure, but don’t worry—the Facebook Settings Dashboard makes connecting super simple.

This article will walk you through how to connect your Facebook Pages and disconnect them if needed.

Connect your Facebook Page/s

The first step to enable Messenger bots is to connect your Business's Facebook Page to Talkpush. Note that the process needs to be done by the Facebook Page/s Administrator. Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to Company Settings > Meta Settings > Facebook

  2. Click 'Log in with Facebook', introduce your credentials, and select the pages you want Talkpush to have access to. Accept the permissions and Save. Note that two-factor authentication might be needed.

  3. Upon a successful connection, you'll be redirected to the Talkpush Facebook Page Dashboard with the following Pages' Permission information:

    1. Name of the Facebook Page

    2. Facebook Page ID

    3. Updated Date

    4. Status

      1. Valid: The permission is valid.

      2. Invalid: The permission is invalid, and to reinstate it, you must log in (Step 1)

    5. Disconnect Option: Click this option if you want to disconnect a Facebook Page (including the Messenger chatbot).

    6. Log Menu ⓥ: Shows the current enabled permissions and any movements performed by users to the specific Facebook Page.

Maintenance of Facebook Page permission access

Facebook permissions for third-party services no longer have an expiration date. However, you might need to renew them if issues come up. Here’s what you need to know about the new process:

  1. Continuous Access: Permissions stay active indefinitely unless a problem occurs or Facebook revokes access.

  2. Email Alerts: If the integration fails, all Owners will receive email alerts, prompting users to take action and manually renew the permissions.

  3. Manual Renewal: If the system fails, users can manually renew their permissions through the dashboard by logging in with Facebook again.

  4. Dashboard Updates: The dashboard now shows the 'Last Updated Date' and the current status, making it easy to see if the permissions are still active.

Meta may invalidate access tokens due to security reasons, such as:

  • The Facebook Page admin changes their login details.

  • Meta flags the account for suspicious activity.

  • The user logs out of their Facebook account.

To ensure ongoing access, Talkpush regularly checks all access tokens. All users with Owner access will be notified immediately via email if any tokens are invalid.

When the email alert is received, users are expected to log into the dashboard by clicking on the Generate New Token button and go through the ‘Log in with Facebook’ process again for that page to generate a new token.

Disconnect a Facebook Page

You have the option to disconnect your Facebook Page from Talkpush at any moment. However, be aware that this will deactivate the Messenger Chatbot, resulting in the loss of all incoming traffic. It's wise to consult with your Account Manager before taking this step to ensure it's the best course of action.

When users click "Log In with Facebook," a pop-up message will appear, advising them to avoid deselecting any pages, as this will disconnect them. Any previously connected Facebook Pages will be automatically selected. If a user deselects a page, Meta will invalidate its token, causing the disconnection. To reconnect, simply log in with Facebook again and ensure to select the desired pages to keep them connected.

💡 Recommendations

  • Designate one teammate to own the Facebook Page Management to minimize errors or confusion among the team.

  • Make sure this team member keeps their Facebook account secure by following best practices, so Meta doesn’t take any actions against it.

  • From this tab, you can also create custom links for your Messenger Chatbots.

Q: Who can modify the permissions?
A: All users with Owner access can renew and deactivate tokens.

Q: Can other users log in to the Facebook Page from the Dashboard?

A: Yes, but only one can Manage the dashboard at a time. We highly encourage you to keep a single teammate in charge of logging in.

Q: What happens to previous permissions when I log in to the Facebook Page from the Dashboard?

A: The permissions are renewed upon login, so with each new login, a new set of permissions will be created.

Q: How long do Facebook Page Permissions last?

A: Facebook Page Permissions don't have a fixed expiration date. They’ll stay valid indefinitely unless an issue arises with the user's account, like a password change, a security concern, or a reauthentication request from Meta.

Q: What happens if I forget to renew the permission within the expiry date?
A: You will have to login again to reauthenticate the access and enable the permissions. Follow the steps here.

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