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The Ultimate Token Guide

Use Tokens to customize communications and make candidates feel special.

Carolina Navarro avatar
Written by Carolina Navarro
Updated over a week ago

It's a beautiful Friday afternoon! You're all set to kick off the weekend, but... oh no! Your last task is mailing 300 candidates to schedule interviews in 2 days! What are you going to do?! Talkpush has your back; you can send hundreds of emails in seconds and personalize them with.. Tokens.

What are Tokens?

Tokens are pieces of dynamic content you can add to messages to customize them in different ways. Dynamic content refers to information such as names, locations, links, etc., specific to a candidate, company, or recruiter. At the bottom of the article, you can find Talkpush's complete Token List, or you can click here for a quick jump in time.

Here's Perry to show where and how to use tokens!

Where can I find Tokens?

Tokens can be found in two places:

  1. Campaign Settings > Message Settings

    2. Leads Tab (Chatbox)

How to use Tokens

To access the Token List type "<" on the Campaign's Message Settings or chatbox in the Leads Tab; a drop-down menu will appear with all the tokens and their description.

The first Tokens you'll see will be the most used ones; for greater ease, type the first letter or word of the Token, and the list will shorten to display Tokens that match those parameters.

Then identify and choose the token you want to use. To select it click on the button or press the Tab key. It's as simple as that!

Simple use case

You are inviting a couple of candidates to complete the pre-screening interview. You can do so by selecting their profiles and sending a Bulk Message that contains their first name as well and a link to the interview.

Inserting Tokens is a process you can execute to send a message to a single candidate or thousands of them through Bulk Actions.

Token List

Listed below are all the Tokens currently available in Talkpush. Click on the section of your interest on the Table of Contents, or scroll down to learn about them all.

Table of Contents

🙋‍♀️ Identification Tokens



Candidate First Name

Candidate's first name

Candidate Name

Candidate's full name

Candidate ID

Candidate's application ID

🏫 About the Company and Recruiter Tokens



Job Title

Job the candidate applied for

Campaign City

Campaign's job location

Company Name

Name of your company

Assigned Recruiter

Full name of the assigned recruiter

Assigned Recruiter First Name

First name of the assigned recruiter

Note: The <company name> token mirrors the company name configuration in the backend. Any changes made there will automatically update the token accordingly.

🧳 Prescreening and Recruiting Tokens



Messenger Interview Link

Personalized link to trigger interview questions on Messenger

Choose Position Link

Personalized link to show job cards on Messenger

Interview Link

Personalized link to the landing page form

Job Landing Page URL

Link to the job description page

Note: Keep in mind that the interview link expires two weeks after being sent. Additionally, the interview link will always display all pending questions. This means that if a new question set is sent and there are previous unanswered questions, the interview link will show those unanswered questions first before displaying the new set.

The tokens related to the Recruitment Center now include (Recruitment Center) in their name:

📅 Interviews and Calendar Tokens



Calendar Date

My Calendar appointment date

Calendar Time Start

My Calendar appointment time start

Calendar Time End

My Calendar appointment time end

My Calendar Scheduler URL

Link to your calendar scheduler

Assigned Recruiter Calendar Scheduler URL

Link to the assigned manager's calendar scheduler

Scheduler Link

Link to the campaign's recruitment center scheduler

Scheduled at

Candidate's scheduled date of interview

Upcoming Scheduled Appointment

Candidate's upcoming scheduled date of interview

⚠️ Using Autoflow with Calendar Tokens

When using Calendar Tokens in your Autoflow messages, be sure to set them to be sent in a stage where there's already an assigned recruiter. If Autoflow attempts to send a message with these tokens when there's no recruiter assigned to the candidate, this will cause an error, and Autoflow will not execute properly.

💬 Communications Tokens



Mail Attachment

Personalized email ID to request files by email

Chat Attachment

Personalized chat ID to request files by Messenger

Re-apply Retention Period

Campaign's cooling period


Name of the person who referred a candidate

Rejection Reasons

Reasons for rejecting the candidate

Shortlisted Reasons

Reasons for shortlisting the candidate

Insert Picture

Insert an image to be sent via email or Messenger

Insert Video

Insert a video to be sent via email or Messenger

🧩 Integrations Tokens



Aspiring Minds assessment link

Personalized link to Aspiring Minds assessment

Aspiring Minds username

Aspiring Minds username

Aspiring Minds password

Aspiring Minds password

Aspiring Minds login link

Personalized link to Aspiring Minds login

Aspiring Minds SVAR assessment link

Personalized link to Aspiring Minds SVAR assessment

SHL Pre Employment Chat Assessment URL

Personalized link to SHL Chat assessment

SHL Call Center Agent Assessment URL

Personalized link to SHL Call Center Agent assessment

Hire IQ Link

Personalized link to Hire IQ assessment

WhatsApp Opt-in URL

Link to WhatsApp opt-in page

Note: Not all Assessment Tokens are applicable to your Talkpush platform, that depends on your integrations. Ask your CSM for more information.

🏄 Onboarding Tokens



Onboarding Link

Link to the onboarding chatbot

Onboarding Form URL

Link to the onboarding online form

Site Location

Company site or branch where the new hire will be assigned or trained

Training Batch

Batch or wave of trainees for onboarding

Training Date

Date of training as part of onboarding

Training Program

Class or program of training for onboarding

Training Time

Time of onboarding training

Training Venue

Place of onboarding training

Note: The Onboarding Form URL <onboarding_form_URL> can be sent only when a candidate is inside an onboarding campaign. Also, have into account that this URL expires after 30 days of being sent.

Any tokens related to onboarding include Onboarding in their name:

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