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Fast Assessment Tools for Quick and Effective Candidate Evaluation
Fast Assessment Tools for Quick and Effective Candidate Evaluation

Simplify Candidate Assessments in High-Volume Hiring

Matthew Danker avatar
Written by Matthew Danker
Updated over a week ago

Learn how our Automated Recruitment and Fast Assessment Tools for Quick and Effective Candidate Evaluation benefit your recruitment process. Talkpush’s fast assessment tools speed up the hiring process and enhance the quality of hires. We offer various quick candidate assessment tools to give you that well-organized edge to make informed decisions quickly and productively.

Why Quick Candidate Assessments Matter

Recruitment has become a race against time. With top talent quickly leaving the market, fast recruitment assessment methods are essential. Rapid assessment tools reduce time-to-hire and improve the candidate experience, ensuring qualified candidates aren’t lost in a prolonged evaluation process.

Key Features of Talkpush’s Quick Assessment Tools

Talkpush can handle routine tasks like application updates, scheduling interviews, and creating offer letters. This automation frees recruiters to focus on more strategic tasks, ensuring no candidate falls through the cracks. Let’s review these key features.


Powered by Talkpush, TalkScore is an automated scoring system that evaluates candidates' English proficiency with just a brief interaction over messaging platforms like Messenger and WhatsApp. This tool ensures that only the most qualified candidates move forward in the hiring process, significantly stepping up the assessment process when it comes to prescreening those candidates on their English assessment.

TalkScore engages candidates through their preferred communication channels, asking open-ended questions and analyzing their responses based on crucial language proficiency parameters, including fluency, grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Using these criteria, TalkScore generates an automated CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) score, accurately measuring the candidate's English level. With TalkScore, you can quickly and efficiently ensure that your candidates meet this crucial requirement for your company.

According to a Pearson survey of over 5,000 English learners from various countries, 80% of respondents believe solid English proficiency is linked to earning potential, with good English skills potentially leading to an 80% increase in salary.

One of TalkScore's standout features is its ability to deliver instant results. Recruiters can quickly identify fluent English speakers, reducing the time spent on language assessments from an average of 30 minutes to just a few minutes. This efficiency improves the candidate experience and ensures your hiring pipeline remains powerfully built and responsive.

Automated Screening Questions

With Talkpush, you can set up customized and Automated Screening questions that candidates can answer quickly via their favorite communication channels, such as Messenger, WhatsApp, email, etc.

Imagine this: candidates are engaging with your brand in real-time, answering questions on their terms, while you sit back and watch our automated screening questions do their magic. Our automated candidate engagement tool also allows recruiters to create customized Screening Questions that candidates can respond to via chat or voice. This feature quickly filters out unqualified candidates, focusing your time on the best fits.

Fast Assessment Tools

This tool allows you to create tailored Question Sets that can be incorporated into Landing Pages and messaging platforms. Whether your candidates are night owls or early birds, they can respond whenever convenient. No more chasing down missed calls or struggling with time zone differences.

But wait, it gets even better. This automated system promptly filters out candidates who don’t meet your criteria, ensuring you spend your valuable time only on those who truly shine. With Talkpaush, you automate the task of pre-screening questions and simplify the process of finding your next best hire!

Talkpush provides Question Sets that make candidate evaluation quicker and easier. This assessment tool allows you to group multiple Pre-Screening Questions into one set explicitly made for your hiring job. Whether you need to asses skills, fit, or language ability, you can create question sets for specific areas you need.

How it works: Recruiters can quickly create and customize Question Sets, which are sent through Messenger, WhatsApp, or the career site of their choice. These sets can include different types of questions—multiple-choice, open-ended, or even video responses—so you get the information you need in the best format.

Using Question Sets makes the evaluation process more accessible for candidates while providing better insights into each candidate more efficiently, helping you find talent faster.

AI-Powered Resume and Document Parsing for Onboarding

With AI-driven recruitment software, Talkpush’s Resume Parsing tool swiftly extracts and highlights relevant qualifications. This automation ensures that only the most suitable candidates are considered, reducing the manual workload.

Our advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology and Autoflow features automate extracting critical information from resumes. Do you need to manually dig through documents to find details like contact information, skills, or work history? Talkpush’s automation system reads and interprets these documents accurately, instantly turning them into structured, usable data at your fingertips without the manual hassle.

But that’s just the beginning! With Talkpush, we go beyond Resume Parsing to better your entire onboarding experience. Collecting and verifying documents, keeping new hires informed, and managing all those laborious administrative tasks happen without adding to your workload. Our onboarding automation and AI-powered Resume and Document Parsing ensure every new employee receives the attention they deserve right from the start.

These automation tools automate not just resumes but also the onboarding paperwork. Automating these processes speeds up document handling, reduces errors, and ensures everything runs coherently. Let technology take the reins and make your recruitment process more enjoyable and easy for you and the candidates.


Manually setting up an interview with a candidate can be tedious from a communication point of view. Both the recruiter and the candidate will have to find time to schedule an interview through back-and-forth communication. Talkpush minimizes this process by allowing Self-Scheduled Interviews through a link provided by Talkpush, choosing from available slots in the interviewer’s calendar, and speeding up the interview process.

You may be asking yourself, “How does it work?”. Candidates receive a link, and with just a few clicks, they choose an interview time that suits them from the slots you’ve made available; there is no more calendar chaos, no more time zone confusion, just straightforward scheduling that saves everyone’s time and energy. Talkpush takes it a step further with Calendar Integration with your existing Google or Outlook calendar, ensuring that once a candidate picks their slot, your calendar is automatically updated, with no manual entries or missed appointments. With the My Calendar feature in Talkpush, you can view and manage all your interview schedules in one place, simplifying staying organized. You can set your availability, block off time slots, and even sync with external calendars, making it easier to manage your time and stay on top of your recruitment tasks.

By allowing candidates to self-schedule, you not only make the process easier and more engaging but also empower the candidates to select their time slot, creating a positive recruitment experience. Self-scheduling is especially important regarding remote hiring, as personal contact points are limited.

Benefits of Automated Scheduling with Talkpush

  • Reduced Admin: Self-scheduling allows for less admin, freeing up resources and reducing back-and-forth.

  • Improved Accuracy: Avoid double-booking or scheduling errors with calendar integration that keeps everything up-to-date.

  • Enhanced Candidate Experience: Allowing candidates to choose their interview times creates a more flexible and personalized experience, increasing their engagement and satisfaction.

  • Increased Efficiency: Automated Scheduling speeds up recruitment, reducing hiring time and ensuring top talent moves quickly through your hiring pipeline.

  • Better Time Management: With automated reminders and updates, candidates and recruiters stay on track, minimizing no-shows and ensuring a smooth interview process.

Geolocation Matching

Location is vital as a fast assessment tool for hiring. This tool leverages geolocation technology to automatically match candidates based on location, ensuring you connect with individuals within the desired geographical area. Whether you're hiring for remote roles that require proximity to a specific region or in-person positions that need local talent, Geolocation Matching helps you refine your candidate pool.

This tool is particularly beneficial in industries where location is crucial, such as logistics, retail, or roles requiring specific regional knowledge. By integrating geolocation matching into your recruitment strategy, Talkpush ensures you’re hiring the best talent and putting the best talent in the right place.

Tools for Candidate Evaluation

Want more about our Fast Assessment Tools for Quick and Effective Candidate Evaluation?

Schedule a demo today to discover how our platform can transform your onboarding process, boost candidate retention, and position your organization for long-term success.

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