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Facebook Messenger Policy Update

March 6, 2020

Luis Mussa avatar
Written by Luis Mussa
Updated over a week ago

On March 4, 2020, Facebook updated its Messenger Platform Policy. The new policy is designed to promote a healthier ecosystem where people and businesses can achieve more effective business outcomes, and to protect subscribers from spam and abuse.

The new policy states that

1) Businesses may send promotional and non-promotional messages to subscribers who initiated interaction with the Page, either by:

  • Sending message to business page

  • Clicks on a button on the Main Menu

  • Clicks on a post-back button on a message

  • Clicks on a quick reply

  • Clicks "Get Started" on the chat Welcome Screen

  • Clicks a Facebook Sponsored Message or Ad Click-to-Messenger button

  • Clicks on a Messenger link in an email or SMS

2) Businesses may respond within the 24-hour window of subscriber interaction. This encourages businesses to respond quickly.

  • After 24-hour window, businesses may send important, personally relevant updates of the following contents:

  • Confirmed Event Update - Reminders for an event they've registered for

  • Post-Purchase Update - Updates on an item they recently purchased (Shipping, invoice, etc.)

  • Account Update - Updates on their application status, account activity

  • Human Agent (Closed Beta) - Response to inquiries which couldn't be resolved during the 24 hour window because business is closed, etc.

3) Businesses may NOT send promotional content, including offers, coupons, rewards after the 24-hour window

How this affects you

You will still be able to:

  • Message candidates on the CRM chat using Facebook channel provided the candidate engaged with the bot in the past 24 hours

You will not be able to:

  • Send messages on the CRM chat using Facebook channel to candidates beyond the 24-hour window interaction regarding:

  • Reschedule interview

  • Manual interview reminder

  • Send the following messages to re-engage old candidates:

  • New job openings with rewards (Promotion content)

  • Send bulk message Holiday Greetings, Walk in invitations

  • Chasing messages

What Talkpush is doing:

  • Talkpush is working on updating the automated Shortlisted, Rejected, Scheduling messages to pass Facebook Policy, so they can still be sent outside the 24-hour window. These messages fall under Account Update content.

  • Talkpush will also be working on letting you message candidates on CRM chat for Human Agent content

  • We will look into leveraging email to send the application status messages while the update on Messenger templates is in progress

  • We will be updating your bot's conversation flows to encourage candidate response within 24 hours, to keep the 24-hour window running as long as possible.

  • We will be implementing smart delay messages to encourage application completion in absence of ability to send manual chasing messages

What you can do:

  • Starting today until further notice, ensure that Email is enabled in Campaign Settings > Message Settings so that candidates shortlisted or rejected can receive their status on their Inbox

  • Reach out to candidates by SMS and email to inform them about their application status, or to arrange an interview schedule

  • Include Messenger link in your email and SMS messages so candidates can reengage with the chatbot

  • Process candidates quickly to give application status within 24-hours

We are working to bring Talkpush CRM and chatbots up to speed on the new policy. We will let you know any new developments as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

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