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Analytics: Campaigns

Monitor your campaign performance

Crismin Lagamayo avatar
Written by Crismin Lagamayo
Updated over a week ago

As a recruiter, you want to know the performance of your campaigns from time to time to determine which ones are performing well. Through the Campaigns dashboard in Analytics, creating a campaign performance report is no more a hassle.

Each section of the Analytics Dashboard has different filter options. Learn about filters and configurations here.

Leads by Campaign Title

This graph shows the number of leads and unique candidates a campaign has. Campaigns with the same number of leads and unique candidates typically indicate that the candidate's re-application has been disabled.

You can hover your cursor over the graph to view the number of leads and unique candidates per campaign.

Campaign Ranking

As the name suggests, this table shows the campaign rankings based on the completion rate, number of leads, number of unique candidates, and number of candidates who completed the pre-screening.

You can sort each column by clicking the column headers.

Leads by Campaign

This graph shows which campaigns are performing well on a monthly basis. You can hover your cursor over the graph to take a closer look at the campaign’s name and the number of leads.

🖋️ Tip: The graph can be viewed in three modes: Stacked, Grouped, and 100% Stacked. The default mode is the Stacked graph, but you can change this by clicking the drop-down arrow.

Campaign Type vs. Folder

Users can determine the number and percentage of leads per folder of each campaign type through this Sunburst chart. The inner side of the chart pertains to the campaign type, while the outer side pertains to the associated folders.

To view the number and percentage of the leads per campaign type and folder, simply hover your cursor over the chart.

Leads in Campaign Types

You can refer to this donut chart if you simply want to know the number and percentage of leads per campaign type.

🖋️ Tip: Click the undesired items/data to remove them from the graph/chart.

🖋️ Tip: Loving the graphs? You can download these by clicking the download icon at the upper right of each graph. Charts and graphs can be downloaded as CSV, XLSX, or PNG files. Or you can simply download the whole campaign dashboard by clicking the download icon found at the bottom right of the page.

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