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The Analytics Dashboard

Better data makes for better recruiting; read all about our new Analytics Dashboard

Carolina Navarro avatar
Written by Carolina Navarro
Updated over a week ago

In Talkpush, we live by the numbers, and we want you to live by them too; that's why we're launching a brand new Analytics Dashboard; a new way to see your data, and more ways to push it to the limit.

👇 What's new in the Analytics Dashboard

✅ Revamped Analytics Layout

Discover a well-organized and user-friendly layout that will broaden your insights. Follow an easy-to-understand three-part structure consisting of filters (on top), charts (in the middle), and lexicons (on the bottom).

✅ Lexicons

Learn the definitions for each term used in the new dashboard to ensure consistent communication between you and the Talkpush-verse.

✅ Maps

Examine the coordinates of candidates on a globe map; this will allow you to see where they are coming from, giving you more control over your Geo-Targeting advertising strategy.

✅ Drill Down Feature

See behind-the-bar charts! Most bar charts allow for more in-depth filtering than what meets the eye; this includes filtering by date and week parameters.

✅ Unique Candidates

Make each application count! Check the number of single applications to get a sense of the total number of people you've sourced. Collect data on how prospects respond to your offers and how many of them apply several times.

✅ Accurate Timezone

The dashboard will display data based on the Timezone settings in your browser, making the information timely.

✅ WoW Comparison

This quick view feature allows you to check performance and compare results on a Week on Week basis.

✅ Revamped Message Dashboard

The Message Dashboard shifted to Communications, and it now covers all communications made through SMS, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, email, and phone calls. We split communications into two parts:

  • Segmented Communications: Represents an SMS count based on segmented batches; for example, one text batch entails a message with a fixed limit of 140-160 characters (depending on your provider's restrictions); when this limit is surpassed, it counts as a new SMS.

  • Non-segmented Communications: Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, emails, calls and SMS (measured per message as a whole, not by characters).

You'll also be able to view how many messages senders* have sent.

* = Automated or Manual Sender

✅ Revamped Activity Dashboard

Keep track of how much time candidates spend in each folder before moving on to the next stage to track your team's productivity. You can use two excellent filters to narrow down the results based on your requirements:

  • Invitation Date: The date on which a Candidate Profile is created in Talkpush.

  • Activity Date: The date when a candidate is moved from folder A to folder B.

By default, this tab displays all the team's activity; however, in this release, you may filter the activities by one or more users. To do so, go to the "Manager's Activities Distribution" graph and choose the managers you want to analyze.

✅ Track Candidates' Movements

Track candidates' journey in Talkpush, starting with their Candidate Profile creation and continuing through each folder. Remember to record your hires for better statistics; click here to read all about it.

✅ Track Folder Movements

Track folder movements and see what sender* is responsible for them. Use these bar charts to measure the impact automation has on your business and assess the need to build more strategies to boost automated tasks.

* = AutoFlow - Automated - Manager

📝 Remember

Only users with Owner & Manager with Analytics Access have access to Analytics; if you need to allow more users to use the Analytics Feature, contact your CSM to discuss the options available.

Q: Why is the “Rejected Reason” data not showing the true result?
A: To avoid the duplicate logging of data in the “Rejected Reason” pie chart of the Analytics dashboard, we don’t capture the “new” data in duplicate movements.

For instance, if the lead was moved from Completed to Rejected last January and moved again from Completed to Rejected in February, the new data in the February log will no longer be captured.

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