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Analytics: Demographics

Learning about the trends and volume behavior of your leads

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Demographics is the first section in the Analytics Dashboard. It allows your team to determine the trends and behaviors of your leads through the presented numbers, graphs, and a map. With this information, you can adjust your process or strategy and align it to the target outcome of your recruitment team or organization.

In this article, you will learn how to read and navigate around the graphs under Demographics.

Gaining insights in the graphs under Demographics

Sections of the Demographics dashboards:

  • Top section: Account Settings

  • Upper-middle section: Overview of Leads

  • Middle-middle section: Leads Graphs

  • Lower-middle section: Leads per Campaign and Location

  • Bottom section: Definition of Terms

📝 Learn more about filters and configurations in any part of the Analytics Tab here.

The Leads Graphs and Leads per Campaign and Location are the sections that help recruiters make decisions based on the trends. We’ll explore these two below.

📊 Leads Graphs

The middle-middle portion shows the different Leads Graphs:

  • Leads Volume

  • Leads Breakdown

  • Monthly Screened Candidates

  • Screened Candidates by Method

  • Leads by Country

  • Leads by Source.

Leads Volume

The Leads Volume shows the number of Leads that are entered within a set interval. You will see the Unique Candidates beside each number of leads, which ideally should be almost equal to the number of leads.

From the number of leads shown in each interval, you will also see the portion of those who Completed Pre-screening. There is a line crossing each interval, and this indicates the Completion Percentage.

In the bottom part of the graph, you will see the legend to determine which ones are the Leads, Unique Candidates, Completed Pre-Screening, and Completion Percentage.

Tip: Hover through the part of the graph to better see the numbers.

Leads Breakdown

The Leads Breakdown is simpler than the Leads Volume graph. In the Leads Breakdown graph, you will see the Leads, Unique Candidates, and Completed Pre-Screening based on your “Invitation Date” filter.

In the example above, the invitation date is filtered as the past 2 months, which is why there are only 2 months shown.

Tips: Hover through the part of the graph to better see the numbers like in the previous example. By default, the Leads Breakdown is in “Grouped” mode. To change this view, just click on the dropdown for “Mode” and select according to your preference.

Grouped View:

Stacked View:

100% Stacked View:

Monthly Screened Candidates

In the Monthly Screened Candidates, you will be able to compare the number of completed pre-screenings with those who did not for each time frame of interest.

Similar to the Leads Breakdown, this graph also shows the time frame based on your “Invitation Date” filter. In this example, the said filter is set to the past 2 months.

As recruiters, it is in your best interest to maximize the Completed Pre-Screening and minimize the No Pre-Screening.

Tip: Just like in the Leads Breakdown, the Monthly Screened Candidates graph is in “Grouped” mode by default. To change this view, just click on the dropdown for “Mode” and select according to your preference.

Screened Candidates by Method

Here is a sample graph of the Screened Candidates by Method:

This graph shows the number of leads who completed the pre-screening questions per method or channel. In this example, there are two channels: Messenger and Landing Page.

Tip: In the Account Settings, tick on any of the options under “Source Category” to customize, which will be considered in the graph above.

Leads per Campaign and Location

The Leads per Campaign and Location include the following cards, graphs, and maps:

  • Leads by Country

  • Leads by Source

  • Leads by Campaign Country

  • Gender by Campaign Location

  • Count of Candidates with Coordinates

  • Leads per Campaign Location.

Leads by Country

The image below is a sample Leads by Country card:

Here, we can see how many campaign country leads were recorded for the time frame selected in the Account Settings. If all campaigns are set in only one country – like the Philippines shown above – then the card will only show the said campaign country, followed by the number of leads.

Leads by Source

Here, the leads acquired for each Source Category are presented as selected in the Account Settings. In this example, the source categories are the Landing Page/Career Site and the Manual/CV.

Leads by Campaign Country

The Leads by Campaign Country graph shows the total number of leads acquired in each country. It is further divided into the timeframe selected on the Account Settings. Again, this example is “the past 2 months”.

Gender by Campaign Location

If your company collects the Gender attribute during the application process, this will be a useful graph for you. However, by default, the Gender by Campaign Location graph looks like this:

Count of Candidates with Coordinates

The pie chart shows the Count of Candidates with Coordinates. This shows the number of candidates who provided and did not provide an answer to the Location question.

Leads per Campaign Location

The map below shows the Leads per Campaign Location, with colors representing the estimated location of the leads. You can zoom in using this map up to the street level and hover over the color-coded area to view the detail of that tagged location.

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