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The Candidate Profile

Discover the Candidate Profile in Talkpush

Carolina Navarro avatar
Written by Carolina Navarro
Updated over 3 months ago

The Candidate Profile is a section on the right side of the Leads Tab that summarizes all the relevant information from a candidate. 🔍 You can use it to search for specific information and discover candidates' details in seconds.

We've also incorporated clickable content (buttons, text, menus) for you to take action while navigating the Candidate Profile, for example, to shortlist a candidate or share their Profile with another peer.

Here's Matthew for a Quick Tour of the Candidate Profile.

In this article, you'll learn all the functionalities regarding the Candidate Profile and discover great tips to make the experience even better. 🚀

Article Tour 📍

All the sections inside the Candidate Profile.


  • Profile Picture: If the Candidate's source has a Profile Picture (for example, leads coming from Facebook), their profile picture will be displayed in the Cover section as a background; otherwise, a standard image will be shown, as in the image above.

  • Campaign: The Campaign in which the candidate is located.

  • Campaign Settings: Quick access to the Campaign's Settings.

  • Folder: The Folder in which the candidate is located.

  • Name: The Name of the Candidate.
    Note: The name on the most recent application will be used and will update all applications associated with that Candidate ID.

  • Labels: Labels are created by users with Owner Access. Nonetheless, any user can visualize them or add new ones to a Candidate Profile.

    • Add a Label: Click on the Add Label symbol to see a dropdown list with all the available Labels; select one to add it to the Candidate Profile. Learn more here.

    • Remove a Label: Click on the Label's name and confirm the Label removal by clicking Yes.

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Action Buttons

Each button represents a Folder in the Campaign; clicking any of them will move the candidate to the selected Folder. Before the movement is completed, a confirmation window will be displayed.

Upon clicking the three-dot menu icon:

  • All folders within the specific campaign the candidate is in will appear.

  • You can Identify the current folder that the application is in by the bold letters.


  • The inbox folder will only be visible in the list if the candidate is currently in the 'Inbox.' Otherwise, the inbox is not displayed.

  • The scheduled meeting action button is available whenever the campaign the candidates are in has a recruitment center linked. If the campaign lacks a linked recruitment center, expect the button to “disappear.”


There are three sections :

  • Application Section: Visualize all the summarized information from the candidate; all the content written in the upcoming sections of the article is discoverable under the Application Section.

  • Documents Section: In this window, you can manually upload candidates' documents. For example, a CV, a photocopy, a PDF document, etc. The maximum number of files that can be uploaded per document under the candidate profile is five (5).

⚠️ Note: If the document links are in red when looking at the candidate's profile, it means the attachments are in another application for the same candidate. You may go to the "other applications" section of the candidate's profile to find them.

Additionally, suppose you request a candidate to submit documents using the Mail Attachment Token. In that case, the data sent by the candidates will be stored in the Documents section for easy access.

If you want to delete a document, click on the pencil icon ✏️ next to the document name. This will display the option to delete 🗑, and after clicking it, a confirmation to proceed.

  • Other Applications Section: If your company allows it, candidates can apply to different positions and even multiple times in the same Campaign. If the option is enabled, other applications will be stored in this section for easy access.

    Read more about Duplicate Candidate Management Configuration Options.


The Details Section offers three details types:

  1. Internal Details (Talkpush)

    Information correspondent to Talkpush. The candidate's Campaign and Folder location, as well as two key identifiers.

    • Candidate ID: Identification of a single candidate who has multiple applications under the same phone number or email.

    • Application ID: Identification for a single application.

    A candidate can have multiple Application IDs but only one Candidate ID.

  2. Application Details

    The following information can be found under Application Details.

  • Education: The candidate's declared educational attainment.

  • Scheduled at: Date and time in which a Candidate has a scheduled interview.

  • Date Added: The date in which a Candidate's Application was created in Talkpush.

  • Completed at: Date in which a Candidate Completed its Application. (The completion date is populated once the candidate has answered all the questions. This means that if an application is moved to the completed folder by an autoflow action, the 'completed at' field won't get populated.)

  • Last Interaction: Date when we last had an interaction with a Candidate.

  • Source: Source in which the candidate interacted for the first time with Talkpush.

  • Facebook Page: Facebook Page connected to the Candidate's Campaign.

Note: If a Candidate applies for a job using an application they haven't finished yet. Then they apply again through another job listing, but both listings use the same campaign . The "date added" for their application will be the date they first started applying, not the date of the second application.

Date Added attribute will only change if the selected Autoflow is Create Application and not Move Candidate.

Edit Information ✍️

To Edit Information from a Candidate Profile, click on the Pencil button in the candidate details. Not all the fields are available to edit. The editable ones display an editable text box. When you Edit a Candidate's Profile, the action will be logged in the Chatbox.

Note: An empty Source field will lead to a Source Error pop-up. Make sure to add the source, then hit Save to proceed with the update.


You can share a Candidate's Profile with Talkpush members or external parties. To read all about it, click here.

Assigned Recruiter

You may assign a recruiter via the actions button

As a Limited Manager:

  • You can self-assign leads without assigned managers.

  • Unassign leads from yourself.

  • The "Assign Lead" option will show "Self Assign Lead / Assign Lead to Myself" in the Actions menu.

  • Cannot self-assign already assigned leads, and the option should disappear accordingly.

  • When clicking "Self Assign Lead" or unassigning a lead, I should see a confirmation message.

  • Can use the Assign Manager bulk action, seeing "Self Assign Lead / Assign Lead to yourself" instead.

    As soon as a recruiter is assigned to an application, its name will be displayed under this window. Hovering on the name will prompt an ❌ symbol; clicking on it will unassign the recruiter from the application without a second confirmation; once you click, it's done.


Under Attributes, you'll find all the data collected from a Candidate's Application when they respond to questions linked to Candidate Attributes. Click here for more information about Candidate Attributes.

All white fields are editable. Click the Edit button to edit all the editable fields, or hover over a field and click on the pencil icon ✏️to edit it individually. To delete a candidate attribute, click 🗑 and confirm the action by clicking Yes.

In contrast to the editable white fields, there are grayed-out fields that you cannot edit unless you have added them to the Candidate Attribute list. One example of this noneditable field is the Preferred Communication Channels field.

To add more Candidate Attributes to the Profile, click Add Other Information.


If a Candidate Submits an Attachment, it will be displayed in this section.

You can request Attachments using the Mail Attachment Token.

Comments and Reviews

In the Comments Section, you'll see the comments made by you or a peer with whom you've shared the Candidate Profile.

You may also delete a comment. To do so, hover your mouse over the comment, click the ❌ symbol, and confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.

Note: Avoid using the symbols < > when leaving a comment, as your comments will not be saved. You may use parentheses ( ) instead. 

Shared with

Once you've Shared a Candidate Profile, you can track down the action here. This window will allow you to see with whom and when you've shared the Profile if the guest or teammate has seen the Profile. As well as the option to resend the request or revoke access to it.


When a Candidate has Completed its prescreening, the answers will be populated under this section. This eases the process of visualizing and analyzing the responses. You will see the Candidate's Application ID and the date when the answer was submitted.

📝 Note: If you see a "grayed out" answer section, the candidate likely has other applications and the answers displayed belong to another completed application.

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