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Prescreening Question Types

8 question types to get the info you need from all your questions!

Crismin Joy Lagamayo avatar
Written by Crismin Joy Lagamayo
Updated over 5 months ago

In this article, you will learn the different types of Prescreening questions you can use. With our various Prescreening Question Types, you can ask questions according to your needs. You may refer to the sample use cases as a guide on using each question type.

Types of Prescreening Questions and their Use Cases


The candidates will be asked to record their answers to the question using the audio recorder button available on the Messenger or landing page.

Sample Use Case: You want to assess the English fluency of the candidates.

Note: From the Response Language dropdown, you can select which language to be used for the response transcript. For example, an English language will create an English transcript of the candidate’s response.

In case the candidate records a response in a language that is different from what has been set up, the system will still record the audio response, but it will not generate a transcript.

The length of the recording will be shown during and after the candidate completes their response.

Note on TalkScore

Audio or video questions are the questions to be used to assess the candidates’ English proficiency. To activate it, select TalkScore, which is found below the Response Language dropdown. Please note that TalkScore requires a response length of at least 30 seconds to assess the candidate's English proficiency correctly. If the length is less than that, the question will show the message Insufficient audio length.

Response Language is also required for TalkScore-activated Audio or Video questions. Responses different from what has been specified are still recorded, but the system will try to create a transcript based on the setup language, and the message Unable to recognize answer will be displayed.

Audio or Text

The candidates have an option of whether to send their responses via text or audio recording.

Sample Use Case: You want to ask the candidates about their personal experiences while giving them audio or text response options that they can select from according to their preference.

Note: Just like the Audio type questions, you can select which language to be used for the response transcript through the Response Language dropdown.

Dropdown Menu

Candidates can search and choose from a list of up to 350 options, which will be displayed as a drop-down menu.

Sample use case: You'd like to offer more than the ten options available with the Multiple Choice question type. Note that if you do offer more than ten options, Bots will redirect candidates to your Landing Page, as that exceeds the number that can be displayed on Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

Note: You can also upload your answers using a CSV file with all available drop down question type options in a single column.

File Upload

The candidates can upload the file required for your campaign. Supported formats are JPG, PNG, Doc, PDF, PPT, Excel, video file and audio file. Moreover, the file size should be less than 10MB. If the file being uploaded is more than 10MB an error 500 will be encountered.

Note: If the file is within the allowable file size and the error persists, contact Product Support.

Sample Use Case: You want to collect the candidates' CVs.

Note: It is required to choose a Document Type for every File Upload question type. You may select from the dropdown list or if you did not find a relevant document type, you may add a new one through the Templates tab.


Use this question type to effectively capture candidates' location from your landing page, Messenger, or WhatsApp. Answers to these questions must be at least two words long, with the second one having three or more characters.

Sample Use Case: You want to know which locations your candidates are applying from.

Note: Geolocation Data Map is automatically selected for Geolocation-type questions. Moreover, all locations submitted by the candidates are selected from the dropdown, hence, allowing consistency and better candidate demographic reports.

Read more about it here.

Multiple Choice

The candidates will be asked to select an answer from the multiple options. This allows you to ask close-ended questions which return standard responses.

Sample Use Case: You want to ask the candidates about their educational attainments and record their responses uniformly.

If you ever choose to change the wording in one of your Multiple Choice answers, previous answers will not change. Keep this in mind when editing possible answers!

💡 Tip: Click the green add icon to add more options. You can add up to ten. Click the red bin icon to delete an option.

Note: Choices in the Multiple Choice questions are one of the triggers of your Autoflow. Use this question type, especially if the question determines the eligibility of the candidate to proceed to the next stage.


The candidate's answers are only limited to number values.

Sample Use Case: You want to ask the candidate’s expected salary. Find more examples here.

Note: The number type of question has a minimum and maximum of 1 and 30 characters respectively.


This question type allows you to ask open-ended questions wherein candidates are allowed to type their answers in words, sentences, or phrases.

Sample Use Case: You may use this question type to obtain qualitative data such as the source where the candidate learned about the position.


The candidates will be asked to record a video of themselves while answering the question.

Sample Use Case: You want to assess the sales experience of the candidate. In this case, a Video-type question might be ideal to evaluate the candidate’s facial expressions and body language.

Note: You can also select which language to use for the response transcript through the Response Language dropdown.

Note: For users who availed TalkScore, Audio or Video type questions are the questions to be used to assess the candidates’ English proficiency. To activate it, simply select TalkScore, which is found below the Response Language dropdown. Please note that TalkScore requires a response length of at least 30 seconds to correctly assess the candidate's English proficiency. If the length is less than that, the question will show the message Insufficient audio length.

⚠️ Android users filling your prescreening questions via WhatsApp will have a time limit of 22 seconds when recording video. This is currently a limitation for WhatsApp, in these cases, you may switch to an Audio type question if you need more time.

Note: Link your video questions to a candidate attribute to enable privacy options that allow candidate responses to be marked as Private or for users with Owner access only. In this way, you can avoid potential bias on a candidate's physical appearance.

Play Media Question Type

Use this question type to enhance your interviews by incorporating audio or video clips for candidates to listen to or watch. This question type is specifically designed for Landing Pages, and candidates will be notified that it is only available for interviews conducted on landing pages.

Sample Case: You want to add audio-visual material for interview instructions, onboarding, company culture, next steps of the application process, etc. This can also be used for Talkscore active listening and comprehension questions.

You can upload audio or video clip files with a maximum file size of 10MB. Supported file types include mp3, mp4, and wav formats. To differentiate and identify these questions, users can assign an internal "Question Name" which is editable and serves as a unique identifier.

Note: You have the flexibility to choose whether the media clip can be replayed or not. If the replay is disabled, candidates will not have the option to replay the clip.

Add these questions together to create a Question Set on the Templates Tab. You don't need to add questions one by one in a campaign just use the Question Set!

Except for Video and File Upload questions, a Data Map can be specified for each of your questions. It is recommended to always include a Data Map for you to easily track the responses of the candidates in the form of Candidate Attributes.

Timed Questions for Recruiters and Candidates

Timed questions allow recruiters to set time limits for candidates on each question, enhancing the efficiency and fairness of assessments.

Key Features for Recruiters

  • Time Limits: In Campaign Settings and Question Templates, set timers (1 to 10 minutes) for each question, except for File Uploads.

  • Automatic Submission: Questions left unanswered when the timer expires will be marked as “Not answered within time limit” and submitted. These will count towards prescreening completion and can be used for filters and job matching.

Key Features for Candidates

  • Visible Timer: A timer will be displayed to track the remaining time.

  • Answer Submission: Partially answered questions will be submitted automatically when the timer runs out. Audio and video recordings will be cut off and submitted.

  • Seamless Progression: Timed-out questions will be submitted, and candidates will move to the next question or see the completion screen if it’s the last question.

Note: The timer will only be available for all question types except for File Upload.

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